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Week of Events
Last Day of Term 3
It's the last day of Term 3! We hope you all enjoy your holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 4!Have a safe holiday everyone!
Captain Speeches and Voting (Yr 5-11 to attend)
Captain Speeches and Voting (Yr 5-11 to attend)
Nominated students for Senior School Captains will be presenting their speeches + Voting on Monday 18th September. Captain speeches and voting - P1 in the Hall. All high school and […]
Primary Chapel
Primary Chapel
Our Mission Trip high school students are running a Primary Chapel for students in K-6.
Homework Hub (Yrs 2-12)
Homework Hub (Yrs 2-12)
Homework Hub is held on Monday afternoons from 3:07pm to 4pm for students in Years 2 to Years 12. Please ensure prompt pick up at 4pm. If you have any […]
Year 12 Amazing Race
Year 12 Amazing Race
Year 12 students will be participating in the amazing race followed by a yummy dinner in the school hall. Monday, Week 9: 18 September - Amazing Race A fun series […]
Anything but a School Bag (High School)
Anything but a School Bag (High School)
On Thursday 21 September, As part of their farewell celebrations, Year 12 would love to hold an Anything But a School Bag Day. The day will be held on Thursday, 21 […]
Eagles Pizza Party
Eagles Pizza Party
Team Discovery (Eagles) will get treated to a Pizza and Hot Chip lunch for being the Term 3 House Winners! They can also wear the Team Discovery House Colours to school!
Year 12 Farewell Disco (High School)
Year 12 Farewell Disco (High School)
Our Year 12 students finish school in just two and a half weeks!!!! To help celebrate the end of an era, we are having our annual Year 12 Farewell Disco on Thursday, 21 September. The disco will run from 6pm - 8pm and feature an exclusive playlist of songs selected by our Class of 2023. The […]