Community Groups & School Activities
Parkes Christian School is committed to ensuring that the entire school community is able to engage in a range of activities. We regularly get involved with various groups throughout the community and rely on community members to help run events and act as volunteers.
For further information on any of our community groups, and how to get involved, please contact the school office.

Homework Hub
Monday 3.07 pm to 4 pm
A collaborative and quiet environment where students from Years 2 to Year 12 are supervised by staff once a week after school. They can utilise school resources including Library, internet and teachers to complete homework tasks, assessments and extra tutoring in subjects, especially Maths
Fund Raising
We like to support various charities depending on the focus or charity in a particular year. In recent years we have supported World Vision 40 Hour Famine, Crazy Hair Day for the Leukaemia Foundation and the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea amongst others.
We have many wonderful volunteers that support and aid our school in many ways. We have helpers in the library assisting with general library work; covering books and filing. We also have many parents who give their time in the classroom assisting in listening to students read.
Public Speaking
We want to foster in our students an ability to be confident and to hold their heads high in the community; one of the ways we believe we can aid this is by holding school speaking competitions and also being part of community competitions such as those held by CWA and Parkes Action Group. Both Primary and High School students are able to compete and we have always placed well.
Anzac Day
Our school actively participates in Anzac Day commemorations. Each year students and staff attend both the Dawn Service and the March. The school holds its own Anzac Assembly with guest speakers often from the Parkes Services Club.
Christmas Events
The Christmas Street Parade and Carols in the Park are another way to shine our Christian light in our community. With a set theme, we set about putting those thoughts into plan by conveying them in a way that gets the community thinking.