Count your Blessings.

Watching the news lately can be very deflating. You can sometimes forget all the blessings that surround each of us every day.  

A research paper published by Harvard Health Publishing in 2011 (see citation below), investigated the effects of gratitude on individuals. They found that those participants who wrote a few sentences each day about things they were grateful for, were more optimistic and felt better about their lives than those who wrote about daily irritations.

They found that gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build stronger relationships.

This is a fabulous finding to build into the students practise within daily devotions in class or chatting with their friends in the playground.

Speaking to primary this week, students were asked what things they were thankful for. Answers ranged from the simplest things to grand events. Some of the students’ responses were: baby nieces or cousins being born, their friends, trees, art class, math lessons, playing footy, our school, the world in general and PCS teachers. 

After speaking with the students about their thankful ideas, you can’t help but be filled with great joy and remember that life is full of blessings if we take the time to recall them. 

Living here in Parkes we are so blessed. Students are still able to come to school to learn and play with their friends. Their smiles and laughter still fill the playground and their engagement in class still shines. Jesus reminds us in the Bible that every good and perfect gift is from God. 

Let’s all be encouraged to recall the blessings of each day and reap the benefits of being thankful. Liz

Research paper that is referred to in article below:

Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, November 2011, Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami,express%20gratitude%20in%20multiple%20ways.
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