God’s Got This

Earlier this year, I shared at High School Chapel a little about my primary schooling. I went to a medium sized public school in the Riverina. I was a very keen student that hardly ever missed a day of school. I was fantastic at maths, but I really, really struggled with reading. When I was in Year 6, I was seeing the support teacher three times a week. I was also being tutored after school by a retired school teacher. I didn’t really like being different or going out for support work. But I look back now and really appreciate the patience and kindness of these teachers in helping me to improve my literacy skills. 

What I did not know when I was in primary school was that God was going to use my early life experiences to give me a passion for teaching and encouraging students with their learning. It was not until I was in high school that I thought about becoming a teacher. God often puts us through challenging experiences in life to shape us into the person he wants us to be. So often we (both adults and students) put ourselves in the same race as everyone else. We forget that God made us all different. Different personalities, looks, gifts and abilities. And that God has a different plan for each of our lives. 

It is important to remember….

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 

If we are not following God’s purpose for our lives, we will miss the peace that comes from knowing God is in control.


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