Merry Christmas and Exciting News!

And just like that, the 2023 school year comes to a close. If I think hard enough I can almost remember all the way back to January and the first week of school, however given all the great things that have happened this year, January seems like an eternity ago! From excursions, musicals, mission trips, carnivals and construction, it has been an action packed year, and one that I have really enjoyed. 

On Tuesday 5 December, we had our Primary Presentation Evening. What a great night it was! The hall was packed with students, friends and families as we celebrated the 2023 year and looked forward to 2024. A huge congratulations to all the students who were elected into formal leadership positions!

I also announced some exciting staffing news for 2024! With the introduction of Stage Coordinators across the school, I would like to congratulate the following staff members for their appointments.

K-2 Coordinator – Mrs Annette Moss
3-6 Coordinator – Mr Matthew Denmead    
Stage 4 Coordinator – Mrs Kristen Temessl
Stage 5 Coordinators – Mr Michael Drew
Stage 6 Coordinator remains Mr Greg Ballantyne

I also announced the introduction of a K-12 Head of Welfare position. This senior leadership role will not only focus on day to day discipline matters at PCS, but just as importantly, a range of educational programs and initiatives for students and families as a preventative measure in the welfare space. Our young people are facing all sorts of challenges that previous generations have never experienced, and as a school we are committed to doing everything we can to educate and prepare our students and families for those challenges.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the K-12 Head of Welfare is Mr Daniel Greef. With more than 20 years experience in the NSW Police Force, Mr Greef comes into the role with a vast array of knowledge and experience that has him extremely well equipped and suited for the position. Mr Greef is also a highly respected youth leader within the local church. I look forward to introducing you further to Mr Greef in 2024, but for now let me say congratulations and welcome to the team! 

As the Primary Presentation evening drew to a close and I was walking to my car, I couldn’t help but have a quiet moment to reflect on the year. I have a profound sense of gratitude when I consider what I get to be a part of at PCS. It is the greatest privilege to be involved in Christian education and to lead this school. Where else would I possibly want to be than right here at this time. Whilst none of us know what the future holds, I am extremely grateful that during these exciting times I get to be a part of PCS and to work with all of you. God continues to bless this school, and all of us should continue to thank him for all he has done, and all he is doing in this place. 

To you, our parent community, thank you for all your support and encouragement this year in my role as principal. Thank you for choosing to partner with us in education to help your children become young men and women who are confident, equipped, passionate and happy; ready to go out and make a positive impact on this world. Thank you for allowing us to speak life into your children each and every day, to share the gospel message and to instill in all our students a biblical worldview where each person is valuable, unique and dearly loved by God, so much that Jesus would come and die for us. Like you we want our students to thrive in life, and I know the stronger our partnership, the greater the chance of success we have!

And finally I’d like to say Merry Christmas. Jesus is the reason we are here. He is the reason PCS exists and the reason that I love being part of such an incredible community. I pray for all of us, that in the midst of everything else, there will be a moment where each of us will stop, and know that Jesus came as a gift for you. You were worth it. You are no accident. You are loved. 

Merry Christmas PCS and see you all in 2024!


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