Father’s Day!

Did you have a nice Father’s Day over the weekend? Hopefully the socks and undies drawer has been replenished, and perhaps the slippers were given an upgrade?! Whatever the case, a big happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures out there!

For many, Father’s Day comes with mixed emotions. From being a dad, losing a dad or having mixed experiences as a child, everyone has their own experience. Last week my own dad would have turned 70 years old. Sadly we lost him to cancer nearly 6 years ago. I am so grateful for the time we had together, including the opportunity for him to know my two eldest boys, but it is still difficult from time to time. As such, Father’s Day always gets me thinking about this thing called fatherhood, and why it is so important.

One thing I’d like to say from the outset that being a dad (or a parent in general), is just downright hard, a lot of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a dad to my three young boys, we have so much fun, but it is certainly not all marshmallows and skittles! Constantly falling short of my own expectations, not having enough time, energy and sometimes patience, can easily leave me feeling like a failure. However, dad’s aren’t called to be perfect, we’re just called to do our best with what we have, including loving our kids no matter what. One thing I have learned over the past 9 years of being a dad is that I have never regretted making time to spend with the kids. Nor have the kids ever been upset because you have made time to spend with them. Presents will come and go, but intentional time with our kids is priceless.

God promises us that he is our heavenly Father. Over the last few years I have really learned that our God isn’t sitting on a far removed throne, watching and judging us from a distance. Our God is right here with us. He never promised that life would be easy and free from pain, but the life of Jesus shows us that wherever there is pain, suffering and injustice, there he is also. That includes parenting!

So in the midst of whatever you are going through at the moment, exhaustion, work commitments or life’s stresses, I am here to celebrate all the dads out there. Be encouraged that you have been blessed with the most important job of all, raising children. Don’t be too hard on yourself, there is no such thing as a perfect dad and never will be. Love your kids and don’t miss the opportunity to do the simple things like spending time together. They need you. Most importantly, don’t forget that you are dearly loved by our own heavenly Father, who right now, wants to remind you of just how precious you are.

Have a great week PCS.


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