Amazing Qualities in all Creation!

Animal documentaries are one of my favourite things to watch – seeing the intricate detailed abilities of diverse creatures, the life cycles and how animals harmoniously work together in their species, or with other species, to thrive in their environment is mind blowing. 

This year, Primary classes have been linked to an animal; classrooms have been decorated with the chosen animal and discussions about the amazing qualities the chosen animals possess have been researched, explored and promoted within the class. 

In 2022:

Kindergarten Caterpillars are exploring how they will grow, learn and change throughout this first year at big school.

Year 1 Hawks are developing the speed, precision and excellence of learnt skills to fly high.

Year 2 Lemurs are inspired to dream it, believe it and achieve it!

Year 3 Foxes are encouraged to be clever, resourceful and “pounce” on opportunities for learning.

Year 4 Penguins are celebrating their uniqueness as well as working together to support others in the colony. 

Year 5 Ducks are flying together as one flock while working to ensure everyone is victorious.

Year 6 Narwhals are discovering how they are majestic, and very social creatures that can network together to achieve great things.   

Exploring the wonders and amazing attributes of God’s creation, students are encouraged not only to develop their own talents and interests to shine brightly at school but to see the needs of others in the group and think how best they can step up to work together to benefit the flock, pack, herd or pod. 

It may sound like a jungle in primary school but it is one that is thriving with life, excitement and adventure. 

Be sure to tune it to the nature channel!


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