We are proud to announce our full complement of High School student leaders for 2019.
While our school captains were voted in last year along with our Year 8-12 SRC members, we have now added Year 7 SRC members and our brand new House Captains.
Not only will all these students be able to take an active role in improving the school throughout the year, they are also learning valuable skills for the future.
We have every confidence that these students will do a wonderful job leading our student body in 2019.

SRC Team:
Front row: Mitchell Unger, Georgina Greenland, Oliver Mayo, Anabelle van Wyk, Joshua King, Chloe Amery.
Middle row: Thomas Unger, Laura Hall-Matthews, Isobel Smith, Leilani Lavaka, Steven Unger, Luke Hall-Matthews.
Back row: Joel Hall-Matthews, Joshua Barnard, Sophie Field, Chelsea Johnson, Mikeely Bermingham, Chloe Hill, Laura Cabban, Mitchell Applebee, Jesse Magill.